What is Human Design?
I would like to share my experiences with human design. It's not something that a lot of people have heard of, and it's very hard to explain. I thought I'd give a little bit of first-hand experience of how it has helped me.
Human design or HD for short is a combination of sciences such as the I Ching, Astrology, Ayurvedic sciences, and quantum physics. It uses our time, place, and date of birth in order to create a chart, which is basically like a genetic imprint of us at the time of birth and also 88 days before we were born. These form the two sides of our chart, the conscious and the unconscious.
When you look at a chart, there's a lot of information on there, and you can go into as little or as much detail as you want to. There's layer upon layer of information that I can help you interpret with my readings. But I thought I'd give a little bit more of an insight as to what I found really helpful.
Those who know me know that I'm a bit of a healthcare fanatic. I've been very passionate about my health for as long as I can remember. It's always been something I've been really interested in, and I've always been researching in order to understand more and more about how I can help achieve optimum health. I wanted to overcome health challenges that I've had, and then share that knowledge with my clients.
One of the main areas that human design has been very insightful has been how to use my energy and how to interact with the world around me more effectively. For many years, probably from the age of around 16/17 years, I have struggled with various degrees of adrenal fatigue that has manifested itself in various different ways. I have experienced various degrees of anxiety, skin issues, allergies and have also had challenges with my digestion, including IBS and food intolerances.
I finally started seeking some professional help in my late teens to help with some joint issues and pains. Initially I tried some chiropractic which I found really helpful (and interesting… leading to my desire to become a chiropractor), some health kinesiology and life coaching. Later whilst having some business coaching I came across the human design, and so my learning here began.
First-hand experience of how it has helped me…
Type: Projector
From a HD perspective, my chart explains a lot about why I've been so prone to things like adrenal fatigue. I am a type called a Projector. There are several different types of Projectors, but I am an Energy Projector, so I tend to have more energy potentially than some of the other types. But with regards to how I interact with the world, it's very different from a large percentage of the population. Approximately 70% of the population are energy types, Generators and Manifesting Generators. There are also Manifesters and Reflectors as well as Projectors that are non-energy types and form the remaining 30%.
The more I learned about Projectors, how they're designed to interact with other people, how they are designed to interact with the world, how they are best to thrive, this all made so much sense. It explained why I need so much time on my own to decompress from the world! My projector aura is very penetrating. I work very well on a 1-2-1 basis as I really ‘see’ the other person, although at times this may be very intense for the other person. The more I learn about what a Projector thrives in, the more everything seemed to fit into place. It helped me understand that these characteristics are natural for me and embracing them creates more joy and flow in my life, rather than trying to be something I am not.
I have embraced my Projector nature and feel so much better for it. It’s given me permission to follow what feels good, rather than trying to push myself to do so much, when that’s not in my design to do that. It has helped my energy management to become loads better, and I very rarely get symptoms now. So that's one part.
Another part it has really helped me was the diet part. My diet has been something that I have been passionate to understand more about for years. To learn what’s right for me, and what isn’t. There is so much contradictory advice!
About 5 years ago I had some Ayurvedic sessions which were really instrumental in making some massive changes in my life. They look at you as an individual, and suggest a different routine of what, how and when to eat, changes to your lifestyle, and basically turned my usual world upside down. I found it incredibly hard initially I must admit, but it got rid of my eczema which was the desired outcome at the time.
I came across Human Design probably around six months after starting on that journey, and there were so many parallels between the ayurvedic advice and my HD chart. With this new knowledge I have been working with the high sensitivity of my body to the amount of food I eat, embracing my incredibly primitive digestion that prefers simple, natural, organic, local grown, seasonal foods ideally. Because for me personally, my body is just ridiculously sensitive, which has its pros and has its cons.
The power is in experimenting and finding what of the advice/suggestions in my HD chart works, understanding how I can support and work with my body's needs, being aware of what the repercussions are if I don't. Learning about how best for a Projector to eat, learning about how my body thrives, what conditions it's best for me to eat in, and just taking that to another level has been amazing.
And last of all about my relationships. The relationships with the people around me, intimate relationships, friend relationships, client relationships. The human design stuff has really helped me with that too.
Trying to understand what am I really here to help people with? How can I best serve people? How am I best working with people? What's my niche? What's my best working practice, and best working conditions? All these things were pulled from my HD chart giving me food for thought.
We all live in a world that conditions us. You can't not be conditioned to some degree. Some people are more susceptible to conditioning than others. And by conditioning I mean, your parents, friends, the people who were influential, particularly through your childhood, will all rub off on you, for want of a better description. They will have an influence on how you behave, what you think is expected, how you behave around them or with them. And that’s not wrong, it just may not necessarily be in alignment with your highest potential, but we learn from other people, so we will mimic them often unconsciously. Some of those behaviors may serve us, and some of them may not.
The Human Design Experiment is exactly that. It’s about trying new things using your own strategy and authority to guide you. When you have a look at your chart, there may be things on there that you just don't resonate with, and that may be down to elements of conditioning. It may be things that you've grown up looking from another person’s perspectives rather than necessarily what actually would serve you best. Or it could just be that it's not the right time for you at that moment to be following a certain perspective, or a certain behavior.
The idea is you try things
You try things and see if you do things differently, how does that resonate? Does it feel better? Does it feel worse? Does it feel like it frees some energy up?
The whole point is about try. There's no right or wrong. It's just looking at improving alignment in certain areas of my life do not currently feel like they are flowing. How else can I try things? What else can I try? Will doing it a different way create more flow, create more happiness, create more joy or fulfilment. That’s the experiment!
I hope that gives you a little bit of an overview…
Like I said, I could talk for ages on this! If you would like to find out more, if there are areas in your life that you feel could benefit from a different perspective, or if your just intrigued, and you want to understand more or find out if it's for you, then don't hesitate to get in touch.
I'm offering a free discovery call where we can have a conversation about whether some Human Design work may help you on your journey. Maybe help you to improve an area and create more flow in your life, reduce stress, and/or improve your health. Here’s the link to book into my calendar.